About the Course

This course identifies a working definition of self-directed learning (SDL) and provides participants with:

  • the opportunity to explore the component skills of SDL
  • connections to personalized learning
  • options for incorporating SDL into curriculum structures
  • review of the role of various stakeholders in the development of SDL skills
  • context for the interplay between SDL and executive functions
  • suggestions for how to develop an SDL model to utilize in their own contexts
  • the historical perspective of how SDL came to be

Creating self-directed learners is central to The MARIO Framework™ and this course provides a foundation for educators who plan to utilize the Framework within their context. 

Embedded within this self-study course are:

  • examples of aligned MARIO for Me™ software features as well as the opportunity to experience a feature of the software with short-term trial access
  • high-quality research, both seminal and innovative in nature

This course will be available soon. Reserve your spot today.